force fields - Resonance - Young theorem - Inference of mental fields - Cosmic energy - Chi - Magnetic field - Spectrum Light
Young's theorem) that if I pass a beam of light through two holes in a wall, I get behind the wall not two circular lights, but two areas with lines of lines of light and shadows. Why '? 'Cause the light has wave nature.
eg. digital or analog clock. The digital clock on the dial has numbers that indicate the time, analog and 'the old clock in which a traditional hand along a corner 360 ° angle and every path and 'similar to a certain time, I might not have the numbers and read the time from the angle of hand, I have a correlation between angles and times. In the same way I can have digital computers (or numeric) that process numbers according to rules, and analog computers on which the calculations are made the second equivalence with certain laws of physics.
I remember a nice example. The mother of a very old friend of mine is examined to see how his brain is damaged from the age '. The offer different tests. In one of these is' a piece of paper with a drawing of an empty circle to watch, and ask her to write on the numbers. With some hesitation the lady can do it. "Now - the examiner says - put your hands indicating 3:20. "This' hard, do not know," she says. "Take time, think and do as you feel. "I can do what I want?" Asks the lady. Cover sheet with your hand. When he discovers the package at the center of the clock wrote: "3.20". E 'changes from analogue to digital!
The examiner laughed. The lady has lost many of its faculty ', but part of the brain to another surrogate.
not enough. In another test there 'design very difficult, one hex to another superimposed hexagon rotated, then a figure of 12 points. Ask her to make a figure equal to a second sheet. "This 'even more' difficult," she says. "Try to do it as can." "I do exactly the same?". He thinks for a bit 'then put a sheet over the other and the "traces"! It can 'be that the rational mind of the old lady has lost shots, but we do all the compliments to his creative mind
Usually what we need to tune up 'and that' such, we are not receptive to everything and we connect with all frequencies and message that we receive from the ether. I'm aggressive, I tune in on aggressive. And the suicide and 'a form of aggression on himself', reverse aggression.
How is our field of view?
strong and weak interactions, cohesion and disintegration in the atom
aggregation and disaggregation: pure water and dead water
The electrons move one part forming a negative pole to the north, so you create a positive pole to the south, north and south magnetic iron filings on the one hand and the other is drawn will be rejected. Similar poles repel, opposite poles attract each other (you can 'see easily with two fingers of magnet).
That 's the fundamental law of radiostesia for which you are studying the processes of attraction or repulsion between objects and biotensor them attests.
In 1200 Amalfi is built 'the first compass, which was already known to the Chinese, something very simple, consisting of a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water, which is oriented according to the Earth's magnetic pole pointing to the North.
The electric current and 'a shift of electrons, for this is called' current ', picture it as a torrent of waves.
Female Voice Male Voice
Every object and 'a thickening wave
The universe and' vibration, vibration and any 'information, information other than give us the different aspects of reality'. The input and 'form. Everything 'energy, the energy and activity', movement and interaction. Each vibrational band interacts with the others, and this phenomenon is called communication. Communication produces change and movement. A movement that works to another, creating a change in the disturbance. The result of a thickening of the transitional waves' shape. Starting from the wave come invisible visible appearance of things, the phenomenon, this' temporary appearance in a constant. A tree has a life which is 'a temporary period of appearance in the evolution of nature, and' natural energy that for a certain time has taken the form of tree growing. I myself am a temporary phenomenon and changing a set fisiopsichico changing, persistence in a certain time of
a vibrational node of a meeting of the frequency range.
Every body and 'transient densification wave, or interference fields .
a vibrational node of a meeting of the frequency range.
Every body and 'transient densification wave, or interference fields .
resonance or dissonance between the energy fields. Young's Theorem
When two interfering fields you can 'or not to have resonance. The biotensor and 'an instrument of dowsing that tests these relationships, amplifying the micro-movements of the nervous system. Eg. a medicine or a food has a frequency range that is picked up by the nervous system, with biotensor it and see if I can 'resonates with me, that' if 'compatible with my energy. It 's a test that can do everything.
There 's a theorem of optics ( The 'where two waves have peaks together, ie' where they are in the process, we have a sum of light, 'where two waves are out of phase ie' have peaks staggered, we have a difference of light that is' subtraction and shadow. This is 'the phenomenon of interference between waves, so you can' have an effect if they are of supreme being or an effect of difference if you are out of phase. of similar transfers this optical scheme to other areas of life. If my energy and 'in phase with that emitted by an object, place or person, I have a sum or more' of an amount of energy, on the contrary, if the two energies are out of phase or subtraction of energy. That's why there are foods, objects, colors, places or people that make me feel bad. I can not do much, these are two incompatible energy that I can cause a reduction energy.
The right hemisphere works for analogies, correspondences for
establishes equivalences between different sectors of reality '. Can 'use what' is that as a general model. We have seen that for sub-atomic structures have been used in planetary models. Freud used hydraulic models to study the psyche. The right hemisphere works for analogies, correspondences for
The left brain believes that the law is rationally 'is' reality itself', with a ratio of total response, the right brain thinks that the physical or mathematical models may be a metaphor of reality, but so that it can be many other configurations drawn from the philosophies, religions, myths, art ... and that there may be formal schemes with which to create analogies between sectors, eg. between science and poetry, mathematics and revelation. The poet does not really believe that the hair of his beloved are the waves of a river, they are "like" the waves of a river, use a metaphor, a model of equivalence evocative that creates bonds of reality '. Mind left and 'logic, following formal procedures, the mind right and' analog company, creates equivalences, similarities, correspondences.
Cosi 'I can apply the theorem to the interactions of psychological and Young say that they are composed of energy fields that interact with others. If the waves are in phase, otherwise I
I Cosi 'I can apply the theorem to the interactions of psychological and Young say that they are composed of energy fields that interact with others. If the waves are in phase, otherwise I
dissonance. I am a speaker, and are a sensitive soul, my perception of some fields and 'instant. In a course I feel immediately, sometimes even optically, the energy waves sent by the public. These are many and very strong messages I get as intense, so I have some early confusion that may 'slow down my thought processes. Because 'I'm not very attentive to the faces to avoid losing their train of thought, it happens that I see the attention as clusters of light points, and the other like shadows, so I look almost automatically to the public portions of more' light. Even in the second course on the states altered consciousness, the first lesson was that queer young people may believe that talking about drugs or hallucinogens and luckily were not more 'and I had a real sick I did not know how to fight and the curious thing, and' that saw them headless as if the head had a dark gray area. Psychics usually seen with the toxic aura as greyish
dead. Conversely happens to me sometimes to see some people around the zones of very nice bright light that attracts me greatly. In short perceive certain situations as psychic light or colors. beginning of a course of time I have some difficulty 'tuning. Then, as a course progresses, if there 'a regular and interested audience, you establish a resonance in my mind and its waves, we enter a phase, or in tune. Only someone who is rarely left out of this context and appears as a visible element. When tuning between me and the majority of the group and 'weak, I feel a strong discomfort, dissonance energy weakens me, can I get dizzy and fainting. When the resonance and 'very strong, my mind begins to produce innovation, ideas and snapshots that do not even look like my beautiful, almost lighting, and are not produced by me but by the interaction of me with the group. This thing has the magic and and 'amplified in a fixed group I had for 8 years, with all the amplifications
created by the love and constant exercise more 'levels of psychological, intellectual and emotional, in a resonance that was becoming more and more' harmonious, creating almost a subject in the group 'other' at higher level, with collective remarkable productions that have made a leap to the evolution of each one stand out, one giant leap psychological, emotional, intellectual, artistic, religious ... until it flows spontaneously in parapsychological effects. In this report
voice and 'an important tool, a vehicle of communication and relationship. Voice and 'a very powerful means of transmitting energy. Beyond 'content it carries, and' wave, a subtle vibration that interacts with your energy-band frequency. Gradually, the report goes on, they produce a certain harmony between the mental field of the coordinator and that of others, it not only improves the cohesion of the group and listening, but create an enhancement in the brainwaves, as seen in the experiment where, in order to arrive at, it produces a light most 'strong. The light of the conductor becomes more 'strong. I mean 'he has increased energy, has better intuition or logical links above, is supplied by the public and feel less tired, and this' coming out and 'not only the result of his energy, but the union of all energies present on its synchronized. I guess that's the same phenomenon occurs for a singer, the other hand, if he finds a lot of energy imbalance in relation to his, may 'collapse. created by the love and constant exercise more 'levels of psychological, intellectual and emotional, in a resonance that was becoming more and more' harmonious, creating almost a subject in the group 'other' at higher level, with collective remarkable productions that have made a leap to the evolution of each one stand out, one giant leap psychological, emotional, intellectual, artistic, religious ... until it flows spontaneously in parapsychological effects. In this report
Having always worked with the public, and often very crowded halls, I felt strongly these situations add or subtract, balance or imbalance of energy. But I never found any research in this specialized sense, and I think that there should be a physical energy that goes beyond the studies, although not academic, and combines the dowsing also psychological and sociological considerations. Jung mentioned but rarely in these phenomena but also warned that they have never enjoyed a scientific analysis. The only research I know (and will speak ') and' the group of Dr. Milan Cyber \u200b\u200bNitamo Montecucco, in energy relations between a guru and a group of yoga practitioners.
I made an analogy between the theorem of Young on light waves and the interference between mental fields.
The logical mind thinking in accordance with rules or use the numbers, the second analog equivalents. Can I have I made an analogy between the theorem of Young on light waves and the interference between mental fields.
eg. digital or analog clock. The digital clock on the dial has numbers that indicate the time, analog and 'the old clock in which a traditional hand along a corner 360 ° angle and every path and 'similar to a certain time, I might not have the numbers and read the time from the angle of hand, I have a correlation between angles and times. In the same way I can have digital computers (or numeric) that process numbers according to rules, and analog computers on which the calculations are made the second equivalence with certain laws of physics.
I remember a nice example. The mother of a very old friend of mine is examined to see how his brain is damaged from the age '. The offer different tests.
The examiner laughed. The lady has lost many of its faculty ', but part of the brain to another surrogate.
not enough. In another test there 'design very difficult, one hex to another superimposed hexagon rotated, then a figure of 12 points. Ask her to make a figure equal to a second sheet. "This 'even more' difficult," she says. "Try to do it as can." "I do exactly the same?". He thinks for a bit 'then put a sheet over the other and the "traces"!
resonance boosts energy, reduces the dissonance
resonance boosts energy, reduces the dissonance
So, when I find so discordant with my mind, I have a temporary blackout of my mental clarity, a phenomenon of removal efficiency, with destructive effects: me going down 'the voice, I sit down' cause I'm not standing, I have weakness and dizziness, difficulty in coordinating ideas, I also have vomiting or coughing or yawning , headache, loss of firmness, terror, helplessness, depression or even, in most cases, 'severe, an acute pain in the cardiac plexus until the collapse ... it' s a real psychological aggression. Of course everyone and 'more' or less protected from energy attacks. I, unfortunately, are a particularly open to the fields of energy, pre-feel earthquakes, weather changes, I hear the noise of underground water veins, places steeped in blood, are disturbed by people who are depressed and mentally ill, have been and still are telepathic, and I feel so physical aggression every psychic, even coming from a script, but everyone has had some negative experience with a professor , a boss or a friend or family member, carrying a real vampire action on our energy, weaken us, make us feel bad. Can 'be just a person we love, but its presence weakens us. Some people feel more 'these inferences are other more' armor. There are also people who tune in on specific frequencies, for example, and I have a friend that 'therapist' feels' the smell cancer.
all that exists, even invisible, even an emotion, a thought, and 'to give information, an in-put with its wave field, its frequency.
all that exists, even invisible, even an emotion, a thought, and 'to give information, an in-put with its wave field, its frequency.
for 29 years I have been particularly sensitive to potential suicidal and I attracted like a magnet not only people very depressed penavano suicide but also the spirits of people who have committed suicide, usually young, so I have 'seen' some ghosts of suicides.
It seems that this 'is not a case, because in my family there are two suicides grandparents, maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather, the grandmother and' thrown from a barn after learning that her husband had died in war, grandfather and 'hanged himself after a lifetime of misery, can' be in my DNA that I have energy that wavelength that corresponds to suicide and to recognize in others and attract or reflect like a tuning fork. Usually what we need to tune up 'and that' such, we are not receptive to everything and we connect with all frequencies and message that we receive from the ether. I'm aggressive, I tune in on aggressive. And the suicide and 'a form of aggression on himself', reverse aggression.
How is our field of view?
Perhaps genetic or hereditary phenomena for a thin DNA, a bit ' other than organic acid to Elijah that contains the genetic information necessary for the biosynthesis of RNA and proteins, perhaps for environmental inferences or because of experience, but it could also be the result of a kahrma, as Hindus believe, so born as a field of view that draws waves of the same type, ie 'people and similar experiences. The kahrma, thin or persistence of everything 'or that we do in future lives, and not part of our science and' was deleted from our religion after three centuries, it remains a hypothesis extemporaneous our culture but also interesting in that it explains many things that would otherwise remain mysterious.
I had a very abnormal life, for almost half 'of it is lived in a prison up to 29 years have been dominated by a father master (could be a Taliban, would not make a difference), which prohibited all my chances' social contact. I lived as a recluse in an empty house with a mother almost 'silent and without social contacts unless the school first and then work. And the fate would have it, I found myself in the last part of my life again in an empty house with a dumb husband, enclosed in a hermitage almost obligatory. This is why I read so many books and I thought so. To this end, cooperating so many factors that I think that thought in solitude was part of my task existential. Despite this, I had periods of 'social, I met thousands of people, many more' of what can be known by many, and when I say 'know' I mean intimately, much more 'closely to what happens to the most'.
I had a very abnormal life, for almost half 'of it is lived in a prison up to 29 years have been dominated by a father master (could be a Taliban, would not make a difference), which prohibited all my chances' social contact. I lived as a recluse in an empty house with a mother almost 'silent and without social contacts unless the school first and then work. And the fate would have it, I found myself in the last part of my life again in an empty house with a dumb husband, enclosed in a hermitage almost obligatory. This is why I read so many books and I thought so. To this end, cooperating so many factors that I think that thought in solitude was part of my task existential. Despite this, I had periods of 'social, I met thousands of people, many more' of what can be known by many, and when I say 'know' I mean intimately, much more 'closely to what happens to the most'.
I think there are strong periods in life, 'need', where, in suffering and coercion, we structure our forces for internal cohesion, survival instinct or attachment to life or personal self-defense, we base that is' a given configuration our energy fields, create the force that holds them together as a unit 'cohesive and resilient. From suffering and constraint: the strength and character. This 'has nothing to do with intelligence, so much' true that concentration camps did not survive the ever more 'intelligent, but those who had more' attachment to vital and often were simple people. I feel this force that holds together my energy fields as a degree of aggregation or disaggregation of these layers and the energy that circulates through them.
strong and weak interactions, cohesion and disintegration in the atom
there is' a strong force that keeps the energy drawn from the core and a weak interaction which allows the electrons escaping the periphery. Somehow we could call this: conservative force and strength communicating, the first and 'static, the second dynamic. For the psyche could use a similar model. Having a weak force of cohesion is to be easily invaded by waves of energy of the other, with effects in the long run can cause depression and organic diseases more 'or less serious to real cell degeneration in the program or states of madness.
Be open to other fields of energy can 'also be an advantage, I have been a psychic for that very reason,' cause 'feel' the other in a symbiotic way, to the extent that they penetrate instantly into reality ', to tell their history, present, past and future, just as we perceive them from the inside. Now most of these faculties' and they 'are closed and even more' defense
. Be open to other fields of energy can 'also be an advantage, I have been a psychic for that very reason,' cause 'feel' the other in a symbiotic way, to the extent that they penetrate instantly into reality ', to tell their history, present, past and future, just as we perceive them from the inside. Now most of these faculties' and they 'are closed and even more' defense
The fact that I feel 'filled' by others can 'be a disadvantage because' if they are flooded with so discordant with my own, my dance disorganized and unbalanced, my clarification 'is obscure. This situation has nothing to do with sympathy ol'antipatia. The working group
hard 'eight years he produced many symbiotic relationships among participants as they viewed as a second family. When they began to be produced adverse effects, I felt a real invasion of negative waves that were aimed my defenses gradually making me sick. I resisted until ' I could and then I closed the group shot
. The same thing happens to analysts when they can not purify the vampire invasion of the brainwaves of their patients. A case
more 'quick, lightning, the interference had with a student who came to a personal meeting only twice, making me sick all of a sudden a few weeks.
. The same thing happens to analysts when they can not purify the vampire invasion of the brainwaves of their patients. A case
more 'quick, lightning, the interference had with a student who came to a personal meeting only twice, making me sick all of a sudden a few weeks.
The doctors speak of infections chemical, bacteriological, but here we have an infection in the energy fields in which science has no official explanation. We can compare this phenomenon to a case of harmful radiation similar to the radioactivity '.
aggregation and disaggregation: pure water and dead water
An object is 'made up of energy waves that are connected according to a certain degree of balance, there' a balance of cohesion, if it rises too high, the object or the subject turns back on itself 'and no longer communicates' with the outside, it is shrinking too disintegrates. In psychology this would correspond to an autistic or schizophrenic subject, the first does not communicate with the environment, the second if not a 'who bear the impressions.
At 37 years old when I was diagnosed with a quick death from respiratory failure due to the worsening of a Bronchial congenital malformation, and distinctly felt with horror that the fields that had formed were moving away, as if they had lost the force of cohesion that made me a living being.
At 37 years old when I was diagnosed with a quick death from respiratory failure due to the worsening of a Bronchial congenital malformation, and distinctly felt with horror that the fields that had formed were moving away, as if they had lost the force of cohesion that made me a living being.
The concept of cohesion-dispersion can study in a lifeless body: water.
Water and 'made up of molecules, each molecule is' part of an energy field, the molecular formation can 'to be observed under the microscope atomic energy field no. If the molecular network and 'too tight, the water dying, stagnates, loses its' beneficial, its energy decreases. The water source has a fair degree of interaction between its molecules, it has a lot of energy, a lot of life. Tap water has a lower liveliness', but the molecular network and 'that give a certain liveliness' internal and still make it active and healthy. The water is a long time in a bottle, however, and 'dead water when I drink I'm not as good as the water source. Drinking water from the spring in Chianciano is not 'nothing like drinking a bottle of water, died of Chianciano. Can 'be that outwardly appear the same, but energetically they are two opposite things, life against death. This is why I drink tap water but I do not drink bottled water.
But I can revitalize water
dead or alive just a tap, for example, I can magnetize, putting a small magnet in the bottle and waiting 12 hours. The magnetized water has a molecular structure different 'cause the magnet creates an electromagnetic field that changes the network, enlivens the stagnation, it breaks the close ties of the molecular network and thickened, it relaxed the restrictions and changes the molecular structure itself, making the' pure water from the source as if it were just left, so taste and 'better, do not form calcium deposits, and water gives us' more' energy. But I can revitalize water
We should drink only water, magnetized water is not alive or dead water. I, like everyone, I need a tot of minerals should I take them from the food they are bioavailable but not always, if you do not accumulate in the veins are not where I need. Even water can 'be more' or less bioavailable, chemically or energetically and can 'be more' or less assimilated by the body. Water and 'important, serve all and cure all. We could only treat the water. We usually drink stagnant water that is' dead. But, using the magnet, so here is that the water quickly becomes bioavailable.
The same thing could be made by placing a plastic water pipe on the particular electromagnetic dowsing comes from that emits waves that energize the water flowing through the pipe. The water is energized to grow our plants in a much greater extent, it makes us more 'alive, does become more' beautiful our skin, etc..
Same for water treated with a magnet.
Similarly, a food can 'give us more' or less energy, for example. a peach just picked us 'more' energy of a peach cultured immature and matured artificially in a refrigerator. If we make a vegetable soup with freshly picked organic vegetables of the garden, not 'just more' good but it makes us feel better, and 'more' healthy, contributes more to our health.
If we compare with the freshly picked green beans beans taken from a jar, the contribution energizing and 'very different, if they cook with a microwave and then we move from the place of health to that of contamination.
It 's like comparing daylight with electric light or neon. Illuminate all three, but the sunlight fills us with energy, the electric light illuminates but not energized, the neon of us from energy, weakens us (proved by biotester). We have three different energy fields that otherwise interfere with our energy. Maybe the negative inference is not 'too high but putting them together we can get to the disturbance of the programs that govern our cells and degenerative disease. Unfortunately The same thing could be made by placing a plastic water pipe on the particular electromagnetic dowsing comes from that emits waves that energize the water flowing through the pipe. The water is energized to grow our plants in a much greater extent, it makes us more 'alive, does become more' beautiful our skin, etc..
Same for water treated with a magnet.
Similarly, a food can 'give us more' or less energy, for example. a peach just picked us 'more' energy of a peach cultured immature and matured artificially in a refrigerator. If we make a vegetable soup with freshly picked organic vegetables of the garden, not 'just more' good but it makes us feel better, and 'more' healthy, contributes more to our health.
If we compare with the freshly picked green beans beans taken from a jar, the contribution energizing and 'very different, if they cook with a microwave and then we move from the place of health to that of contamination.
science focuses on the modern long-life products, precooked foods, frozen foods, foods cooked with microwaves, but what 'alter our natural balance, causing our cells to abnormal behaviors.
energy cosmic
energy cosmic
The ancient cultures (and now also some new science) postulated a cosmic energy. In the Hindu world, the chakras are the doors through which universal energy that feeds us. But the way we live and that means 'use of this energy can' save us or make us ill. In Dowsing is thought that the disease arises when a part of our body no longer able 'to feed it the right way and lose their lives in defense or surroundings producer negative magnetic fields. In the Taoist system (see the Chinese acupuncture) and the disease 'refers to an excess or a defect in the circulation of energy through our lines called meridians in the body.
Wilhelm Reich orgone
speaking, it is' everywhere, and the ancient cultures speak of using different names. In China they call Wilhelm Reich orgone
From the dawn of time civilization 'have tried in various ways to focus this energy and make it accessible to man. We have seen that in such simple ways you can '' boost 'the water, exposing it to the field of a magnet. The magnet, or the marking label, thanks to its frequency, are able to concentrate the energy of the water. It can 'be measured by a voltmeter, sooner or later. The plate gives a charge of energy to the water, energizing, so ', watering the plants with this water will have great benefit and we become more we drink the ba' strong.
binary system and Tao
From the dawn of time civilization 'have tried in various ways to focus this energy and make it accessible to man. We have seen that in such simple ways you can '' boost 'the water, exposing it to the field of a magnet. The magnet, or the marking label, thanks to its frequency, are able to concentrate the energy of the water. It can 'be measured by a voltmeter, sooner or later. The plate gives a charge of energy to the water, energizing, so ', watering the plants with this water will have great benefit and we become more we drink the ba' strong.
binary system and Tao
From Volta and Marconi the metaphor of our time and 'the electricity'. Electricity 'comes from' electron '= negative electrical charge, which, in that bubble chamber, it is evident that a small vortex movement. The electric current and 'a movement of electrons, ie 'a bundle of waves. The metaphor treats electrical phenomena in binary mode, 'cause the electrical charge can' be good or bad and explains such phenomena as the movement of charges. The magnetism of the same charges repel and opposite charges attract.
In dowsing, we see a similar phenomenon with biotester
biotensor or by testing the energy that there is' between two batteries, two magnets or two fingertips of one hand. The biotensor establishes relationships of attraction or repulsion between two people or even between a person and a food. Eg. if we have a high uric acid-alcohol poisoning and high-ferratina and test our relationship with wine, the biotensor will cut, 'he say' no, that 'will tell us that there is' already' too much alcohol. In dowsing, we see a similar phenomenon with biotester
When an atomic system and 'at rest, positive and negative charges are equal. When the atom is excited (eg. The heats or the electric current is passed), the electrons are loaded with packets of energy and jump over different orbits, those who are on the surface tend to run away (taking the name of ions, which means 'wandering'), the system is unbalanced, if you have an excess of positive charges, will try 'to return to balance by attracting electrons or vice versa, if it has too many electrons (excess of negative charges), I' rid of it. The electricity 'explains things in a binary system.
track and 'even the Chinese Taoism (philosophical system, religious and cognitive) which sees every event in the principles of Yin and Yang and interprets all phenomena in the world as a continuous movement from one pole to another. You can contact the Taoist world through disciplines such as Tai Chi, Kung Fu, etc.. That create a soft body's energy flow or second positions Yin Yang dance or acting in a subtle way on all our inner planes.
The dance of the body is not 'a representation of the dance of life.
In China, health and welfare depend on the harmony of energies. On the same principles based Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Attraction amber
The dance of the body is not 'a representation of the dance of life.
In China, health and welfare depend on the harmony of energies. On the same principles based Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Attraction amber
The great genius of early twentieth century and 'Marconi. And 'he who at the beginning of the century coined the term' electricity,''the greek name of amber, a fossil resin which, when rubbed with a cloth of wool, is negatively charged (it electrifies) and attracts small objects.
As children we used the same grounds' with our pens of bakelite. Rub the wool attracted small pieces of paper. A bakelite rod rubbed with a silk cloth, lose electrons and thus is positively charged. It was once used 
synthetic clothing, which is electrified by rubbing, and captain, pulling off a sweater synthetic heard a crackling electricity and a slight suction, the tissue remained glued to the skin and producing small sparks, that 'a small static dielectric effect. The same happens with a silk blouse. Some produce this phenomenon in a very strong, they should avoid wearing wool, silk or synthetic. It 's easy when you wear fur and synthetic isolates the body from the ground with rubber soles, have electromagnetic phenomena of attraction and cause small electrical shock, for example. touching the metal bar of the bus or the car door (electricity 'static). Another phenomenon
electromagnetic easy to hear and 'extraction of the TV screen, the screen of the old type, not the plasma: the closer to the video arm hair stands on end and feel a slow stream. You can adjust the video on your television or computer screen just approaching the bare arm and looking down. For several reasons you should stay at least 4 feet from the screen. The thing is not 'possible in the old video of the PC, which emit negative magnetic fields for the body, producing fatigue, low vision, depression and headaches. Much better is the new liquid crystal displays that do not work and do not emit negative cathodes.
The electromagnetic field around it is determined that an appliance can 'be very large, the microwave oven for example. has a very wide field of highly polluting to 360 °, which also passes through the wall behind it and it hurts a lot.
But worst of all it hurts the phone and especially the charging of the phone has a range of radius of two feet, and this should never be in a bedroom or next to a sleeping person, 'cause when we sleep we lower our defenses.
The electromagnetic field around it is determined that an appliance can 'be very large, the microwave oven for example. has a very wide field of highly polluting to 360 °, which also passes through the wall behind it and it hurts a lot.
But worst of all it hurts the phone and especially the charging of the phone has a range of radius of two feet, and this should never be in a bedroom or next to a sleeping person, 'cause when we sleep we lower our defenses.
Magnet The magnet, or magnet, and 'a natural mineral that attracts pieces of iron. The Greeks called it 'cause they were in a place called Magnesia. The ancient Greeks or Romans or Chinese had noticed that the magnetite (iron oxide) attracts iron filings, according to some curved lines, ie 'filings are available along the lines of magnetic field strength.

Even the earth and 'a magnet, a huge magnet, which produces a magnetic field.

Whenever there are electric charges in motion, you have these forces that attract or repel the bodies, or bend the trajectories. If you approach a small bar of iron fragments of magnetite also is magnetized temporarily slash.
------- + + + - - - ------- 
The electrons move one part forming a negative pole to the north, so you create a positive pole to the south, north and south magnetic iron filings on the one hand and the other is drawn will be rejected. Similar poles repel, opposite poles attract each other (you can 'see easily with two fingers of magnet).
That 's the fundamental law of radiostesia for which you are studying the processes of attraction or repulsion between objects and biotensor them attests.
In 1200 Amalfi is built 'the first compass, which was already known to the Chinese, something very simple, consisting of a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water, which is oriented according to the Earth's magnetic pole pointing to the North.

All power tools exploit the flow of electrons. You do not see but you see the effects, turn on a light bulb or a refrigerator, and if you touch a bare wire, you feel the shock. current is formed between two points having a difference in polarity ', in which electrons flow from pole to pole, from the lowest and the highest potential, to balance.
A natural example of electric discharge and 'lightning
. The American, Benjamin Franklin sent in the air attaching a kite to the edge of large iron keys. During thunderstorms, heavy clouds in the air currents separate the positive charges by sending up those that are negative at the bottom. Among those positive and negative charges of the soil creates an electric field (electron flow). When the potential difference and 'strong enough it produces a strong electric shock (which in the case of the kite, he runs in the wire and back to earth). A natural example of electric discharge and 'lightning
If a wire current flows, a magnetic needle made them 'feel up close,' cause the current generates a magnetic field that orients it towards you '. So when a plane goes into a very strong magnetic field (see the triangle of Bermuda), can 'be that on-board instruments are scompensino. In the sky over Germany, for example, there are areas that are dangerous threats for equipment suppliers' cause they create magnetic fields that bias electric instruments. And there are German highways that in some points, they send strong magnetic variations on the nervous system of the driver, sending the cars off the road. These phenomena explain why 'you can not' hold on a cell phone in a hospital or in an airplane, you may have imbalances in neighboring instruments. In the case of a hospital could be machines that regularize the functioning of the heart or brain. We also explain why 'lead a magnet in the bag to completely demagnetize the magnetic card or the phone by deleting the information marked above.
Also for similar reasons, people with pacemakers should not have phones or near magnetic ovens etc.. Always think that these force fields are not visible but may produce changes not only electronic instruments but also to our own immune system. Our functional systems, in fact, are nothing but bundles of waves, much like the electric ones. We might think of the neuron in terms of electric charge.
The magnetic force and 'a force that occurs whenever there is an electrical phenomenon.
Each flow of electrons produces a magnetic field, that 'an area where you have certain strengths, for which, with one word, we talk about electromagnetic phenomena, because' wherever there is 'an electric field there' s also a magnetic field. You start talking about electromagnetic waves from the 30s.
Light and 'Also for similar reasons, people with pacemakers should not have phones or near magnetic ovens etc.. Always think that these force fields are not visible but may produce changes not only electronic instruments but also to our own immune system. Our functional systems, in fact, are nothing but bundles of waves, much like the electric ones. We might think of the neuron in terms of electric charge.
The magnetic force and 'a force that occurs whenever there is an electrical phenomenon.
Each flow of electrons produces a magnetic field, that 'an area where you have certain strengths, for which, with one word, we talk about electromagnetic phenomena, because' wherever there is 'an electric field there' s also a magnetic field. You start talking about electromagnetic waves from the 30s.
electromagnetic radiation, an electric field and a magnetic field to vibrate perpendicular planes.
spectrum of light


when studying the properties' of the electric field was discovered 'that the electron behaves like a bar magnet and seek' the intensity for everything 'and the direction of its magnetic field. In the magnetic field lines are not straight but curved trajectory, so 'as Einstein had said that she was bent over the trajectory of light in space.

We see some applications of magnetism.
-L 'electromagnet and' behind the electric motor and transformer, which transforms that is' a mechanical motion into electrical current. -The development of new magnetic materials and 'was important for the computer. On some computers, there are small domains where bubbles are created two types of magnetization, parallel or antiparallel with respect to the entire material. Depending on its direction, each bubble indicates either zero or one, the system and 'track, and on this key you can encrypt the information. -In Japan, Germany and the United States have built magnetic levitation trains, which run on a monorail suspended, without touching it, using the electromagnetic force of the magnet.
-Powerful magnets are used for magnetic resonance imaging for diagnostic purposes in medicine.
It exploits the fact that the human body and 'made up of small organic magnets (such as the atomic nucleus of hydrogen). The patient and 'placed in a magnetic field 30,000 times the Earth acting on its atomic nuclei. Applies then a magnetic field oscillating at a certain frequency that excites the nuclei (they charge) and orients the magnetic moments along one direction, then the oscillation stops and picks up the energy that is released. In this way we construct images of internal body.
The CT (computed tomography) or PET (positron emission tomography) are similar. Magnetic resonance and 'very expensive but very accurate, can' give precise images of any part of the body with thin sections viewed from any angle. And 'the technique of choice for diseases of the brain and central nervous system. And 'more' precise CT and PET. But it can not 'be used by those who wear a cardiac pacemaker or implanted metal objects, of course, 'cause they would be attracted by the magnetic field. Finally note
-magnetic fields used in particle accelerators to study directing and beams of subatomic particles. Keep in mind the wave nature of the electron, and it 'an oscillating system.
characters wave
characters wave
In the distance between two wave crests and 'length. The number of vibrations or ridges in a second and 'frequency.
We talked about the emission spectrum of a substance that can 'be seen as a series of colored stripes.


We know that each and 'a package of energy remaining when the electron falls into an orbit more' inside. We can imagine the electromagnetic spectrum of a substance as a totality 'of dual fields (electric and magnetic), a total' of double waves, each of which propagates simultaneously in two perpendicular planes. So we can see with the mind or the spectrum as a fringe of colored stripes, or as a set of double waves intertwined.
These waves have different lengths, so we start from very slow and long (which may also have some miles between a ridge and another) until you get a fast high-frequency waves (Frequency and 'the distance between two peaks). Among these endless waves are gamma rays, x-ray radiography, infrared heaters that we hold as the heat, the colors of the rainbow, the rays that make us tan, microwaves, radio waves, television waves and so on.
Microwave ovens produce electromagnetic radiation very short, which agitate the molecules in the food and heats the fuss is about. 
There 's a relationship between length and frequency, more' wave and 'long, minus' the frequency gamma rays have higher frequency and length of small, radio waves are long and rather low frequency.
Our eye perceives only a small part of these waves as colors (the spectrum of visible light), some perceive as heat. The colors, the purple is perceptible between the length and 'short and frequent, red and' long, slow wave. Similarly
our ears can only hear frequencies between 15 and 20,000 Hertz. Eg. dogs feel the ultrasound, that 'the sounds of a frequency above 20,000 hertz, but not us (there are ultrasonic dog whistles).
-An example of application of ultrasound and 'ultrasonography: a crystal that vibrates 500 times per second produces a very high frequency sound wave that is directed inside the body, the tissue reflect the ultrasound echo is collected on a computer. The transducer and 'place on the skin coated with gelatin to enhance the sound effect. Ultrasound is then absorbed by the bones are not good for study but bounce back on fluids, so 'may show a cyst liquid, the bladder, biliary system, or the amniotic sac of the fetus, in which the child appears to contrast, without damage, while an X-ray X-ray will damage it.
-Another example of medical use of waves and 'lithotripsy, which disintegrates kidney stones with shock waves. The ultrasound showed uric kidney stones through a shadow. These pebbles are formed by calcium crystals deposited from the urine, when blood has too high a level of football. Our eye perceives only a small part of these waves as colors (the spectrum of visible light), some perceive as heat. The colors, the purple is perceptible between the length and 'short and frequent, red and' long, slow wave. Similarly
our ears can only hear frequencies between 15 and 20,000 Hertz. Eg. dogs feel the ultrasound, that 'the sounds of a frequency above 20,000 hertz, but not us (there are ultrasonic dog whistles).
-An example of application of ultrasound and 'ultrasonography: a crystal that vibrates 500 times per second produces a very high frequency sound wave that is directed inside the body, the tissue reflect the ultrasound echo is collected on a computer. The transducer and 'place on the skin coated with gelatin to enhance the sound effect. Ultrasound is then absorbed by the bones are not good for study but bounce back on fluids, so 'may show a cyst liquid, the bladder, biliary system, or the amniotic sac of the fetus, in which the child appears to contrast, without damage, while an X-ray X-ray will damage it.
They descend towards the painful bladder. If they are too large to be expelled, but below 2.5 cm, can be broken with extracorporeal surgery: the patient is placed in a tank with a liquid that acts as a conductor and bombarded for 20 minutes with shock waves generated by pads 15000 or 20 000 volts, which disintegrate the calculations, because 'the force of the blast wave and' greater than the cohesive force of the calculation.

Even the sounds are the waves.
different tools produce different wave, for example. a tuning fork 'pure sound, that' perfect sine wave.


Instead, the violin produces intense sounds with sharp movements.
The flute's sound warm and sincere with soft vibration, a gong to 'random vibrations and sharp (very interesting so-called voices of the dead that do not correspond to human voices as coming from objects that have no organs of speech) .
Flute 



There are tools that show how to analyze the sounds harmonics in a very sophisticated way.
waves can be transverse as those produced by a stone in water (such as light, x-rays and radio waves), or longitudinal, like sound waves. An earthquake and 'both, because it' s a combination of both longitudinal and transverse waves.

Life 'movement. Explain the life and 'very difficult, even more' explain consciousness. The perception could be a resonance effect or capacity 'to deal with another wave, consciousness may be an effect of self resonance, vibrations that trace themselves to a mirror effect, an interaction which is reflected in itself, that 'interacting with their changing perception of perception. Outside the meetings possible are those waves or wave system too far apart or too different to interact with our vibrating system, they are indifferent. For example, the electric fields of air are homogeneous electric field of our body, to which all, more 'or not, we meteorosensitivity, we become nervous before a storm or react with discomfort to the ionization of the air. Horses pre-feel an earthquake could be explained as a warning of the arrival of the disturbing force field that precedes an earthquake.
In a strong perception of the situation I have experienced a earthquake whose epicenter was near but not enough to produce tremors in the physical environment, such as a broken line of vibrating motion that I went through the diaphragm, at the same time when they went on and 'be turned away from me the earthquake. The perception and 'been so' strong that I stopped the lesson I did with great fear. Similarly sometimes feel presences in the room that I think of organic, dead or intelligences pollutants. My body feels the first of me, because I get impatient hairs of the skin or hair, sometimes it is accompanied by a sense of cold (a cold accompanied by very specific fear) and can 'also be a sudden emptying of 'energy as if someone hit me sucking
. In a strong perception of the situation I have experienced a earthquake whose epicenter was near but not enough to produce tremors in the physical environment, such as a broken line of vibrating motion that I went through the diaphragm, at the same time when they went on and 'be turned away from me the earthquake. The perception and 'been so' strong that I stopped the lesson I did with great fear. Similarly sometimes feel presences in the room that I think of organic, dead or intelligences pollutants. My body feels the first of me, because I get impatient hairs of the skin or hair, sometimes it is accompanied by a sense of cold (a cold accompanied by very specific fear) and can 'also be a sudden emptying of 'energy as if someone hit me sucking
Every body has a force field that exerts influence on its neighbors, the mass and the gravitational force of the planets correspond to fields of powerful forces. In principle, nothing stops the energy fields of the planets in our solar system ,
putting themselves in certain configurations, create enhancements in the energy transmitted by them, and exert our influence on the electromagnetic fields, especially when the waves by interfering with one another, increasing in intensity '. This phenomenon and 'very clear with the moon, and that' the Moon, and the proximity of which disrupts the tides, the fermentation of wine, plant growth, the birth of children, psychological disturbances and so on. Every people have always known that the moon exerts a fatal attraction for the growth of liquid (ocean, amniotic fluid, brain fluid, fermentation of wine, lift the plant juices ...). Most probably 'in ourselves, oscillations similar to those of the planets of the solar system, so their position can' stress reactions that disturb our behavior, so if 'it were, astrology is not a science-fetched but could have a positive basis. Moreover we know that sunspots, magnetic storms on the sun, producing strong disturbing effects on both physical and events not of our physical world. Let the feeling
as the ability 'to tune, that' to interact with systems in order to be compatible within a range of possible resonance according to our reference system. The process of resonance and 'transmission of movement. I feel that I can repeat a swing. My nervous system and 'a set of electrical phenomena and may pick up similar ones. Perhaps the knowledge and 'the union of similar dances, which can move in harmony. A dog does not tune to the vibration color, has no sensory cells, or cones that reproduce the dance of color, and sees the world in black black and a bat tunes on acoustic waves refracted from the walls of the cave which give, as probes, the sense of distance; bee seen in the ultraviolet range, a snake seen in the infrared, our house cat has perceptions different from our own and often seems to pay attention to articles that we do not see and that inspire terror, or from whom he purrs, the same happens with babies or small children who seem drawn from sources that are not perceptible to us ... All 'procedure of the field of view is that an object or person can distinguish a core, or nodal area, or plot of maximum effect, probabilistic clustering, and a twilight zone where this device or effect fades.
Nervous System
The nervous system is based on electrical phenomena.
The neurobiology shows us what happens at the level of neurons. The human nervous system and 'a large communication network in which 12 billion nerve cells in the brain (neurons) communicate with millions of cells in the body through electrical phenomena.
The neurobiology shows us what happens at the level of neurons. The human nervous system and 'a large communication network in which 12 billion nerve cells in the brain (neurons) communicate with millions of cells in the body through electrical phenomena.
The neuron appears as a small polyp full of antennas, the dendrites.
The nerve signal and 'received by the dendrites of the neuron and propagates through the axon (aptein = attach, wire sticking), a thin extension that can' get to the meter length. In the neuron, when ion-ion and sodium-potassium switch places creates an electrical signal that reaches another neuron across a street called synapses (connection, attach aptein = syn = together).
The unequal distribution of ions-sodium and potassium ions causes a potential difference between inside and outside the neuron, so 'that when they switch places creating activities' supply. The neuron produces and transmits electrical messages, which are nerve impulses. Each neuron 'point of departure and arrival of a series of electrical discharges (flow of electrons), as informational messages, start him and get him with miles of selected location. The series of electric works a bridge but oriented according to specific choices, so each neuron communicates in a targeted manner. 
The brain of a child of 6 months 'already' a huge telephone network that connects billions of neurons, they produce electric currents that are known to each other and exchange messages, the connections are called synapses, and each neuron can to create up to 20 000, connecting from long distance with the sister cells. To create these connections the neuron releases a fiber, the axon, which extends in a wavy hair like a microscope to find the end sought. Each axon has a scent, called 'molecular sense,' like a dog looking for prey, with this nose explores the environment brain, avoiding the cells from unwanted messages, and with speed 'instant flickers zig zag to reach the goal. From this location depends on what 'we are and what' we know. It forms part of the genetic code and in part for the environment and the experience of experience.
network of neurons
network of neurons
paths are formed not only with real experiences but also experiences imagined, in my mind there's no 'a lot of difference between real and imaginary, and the brain work' the same, hence the effectiveness the dynamics of mental imagery type, with which we can change our neural networks, and thus sets coming from the active, because 'for the purposes of the synapses are real experiences. brain development depends on growth in the number of connections. How many more 'experiences do, so much more' brain 'that is stimulated and the synapses are formed' the network grows. A mouse that has toys in the cage has 25% more 'synapses of one who grew up in an empty cage. A child a few months, which is not 'encouraged by adults who love him and they do play, psychomotor delay progress and a network of up to 30% more' little more of their peers 'lucky, so' his cognitive development delays . A child raised by wolves will not learn 'to speak and never will have' great difficulty ' walking upright.
If the parents are absent or anaffective, the child will have 'little synapses in the left frontal lobe, where there is' the center of joy and lightheartedness, and will have three years 'lower ability' to interpret the world.
in the formation of these synapses then there are windows of opportunity ', that' precise timing in which certain networks are built more 'quickly. For example, learning to walk and 'a complex synthesis of motor commands that is activated after year, the window of opportunity' for learning a second language has its peak at 3 years and close to 10 (and therefore 'a real mistake to introduce English medium in schools but not in elementary and higher as you can 'easily learn to speak English in three years but at 10 the difficulties' are higher. And of course our stupid school teaches a foreign language after the age of 11, that 'just as the window and' closed.
synapses are built and destroyed constantly, until 'the total network is completed, which happens in 10 years. After the brain destroys all connections no longer 'required by the environment and enhances those more' useful. At 18 and finishing this work 'done and we are adults. The brain and 'ready.
neurons are the cells of the cerebral cortex for excellence, which begins to develop in the fetus after 5 months. If the parents are absent or anaffective, the child will have 'little synapses in the left frontal lobe, where there is' the center of joy and lightheartedness, and will have three years 'lower ability' to interpret the world.
in the formation of these synapses then there are windows of opportunity ', that' precise timing in which certain networks are built more 'quickly. For example, learning to walk and 'a complex synthesis of motor commands that is activated after year, the window of opportunity' for learning a second language has its peak at 3 years and close to 10 (and therefore 'a real mistake to introduce English medium in schools but not in elementary and higher as you can 'easily learn to speak English in three years but at 10 the difficulties' are higher. And of course our stupid school teaches a foreign language after the age of 11, that 'just as the window and' closed.
synapses are built and destroyed constantly, until 'the total network is completed, which happens in 10 years. After the brain destroys all connections no longer 'required by the environment and enhances those more' useful. At 18 and finishing this work 'done and we are adults. The brain and 'ready.
neurons, multiply at an incredible pace, 250,000 per minute. Six months after the fetus has already 'all the billions of neurons of an adult man. In this period, the genetic program controlling brain development, but simply that the mother is alcoholic or drug addict or smoke or have trauma or infection, or taking the wrong drugs' cause this delicate work phone is disrupted.

synapses (ie 'the joints) instead formed a jump, so there are moments of explosion and rest, for example. There 'a point on the cortex 'Visual' whose synapses are 2,500 at birth and become 25,000 after six months.
The brain, therefore, and 'continuous flow and crackling of electrical charges, the neurons are organized into circuits and we are the result of their messages. There are internal causes that inhibit the synapses, but the environmental stimuli increase of billions of connections, the connections of neurons and therefore brain development, for which genes and environment interact more.
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