Monday, March 14, 2011

Toddler With Swollen Belly, Pale

  • Naturopatia

"Those who merely study and treat the effects of the disease
are like people who imagine they can send away the winter
sweeping the snow on the threshold of their door.
is not the snow that causes the winter, but winter
causing the snow. "

Naturopathy is a discipline (of ancient origin) close to the malaise and discomfort in different ways than traditional medicine (allopathic). It was created with the intention of helping the body to restore health conditions adversely affected by a disease. Naturopathic
The origins of the approach are made back to Hippocrates, the father of medicine, who lived over 2000 years ago and to him we owe the valuable primum non nocere, or first do no harm. In natural medicine, the treatment must assist the body in the most spontaneous possible.
Naturopathy uses a holistic approach (from the greek holos, that is all) of health: each individual is seen in its totality , regardless of the individual disturbance, and uniqueness, based on the specific constitutional features and lifestyle.
The name derives from the Latin term nature and the greek word empathy. Naturopathy is in a vision of empathy with nature, with the natural principles that concern the people and the environment in which they live. The man is a natural and empathetic relationship with his natural state is health. One of the fundamental tasks of naturopathy is health care ... not the disease .
The Naturopath does not deal with diagnosis and therapy (which acts are reserved for the doctor). He, using integrated and synergistic nature of different disciplines, promotes person in the most favorable conditions to preserve / restore the mental and physical balance, awakening the capacity for self-healing is innate and inherent in all of us: the life force that moves each living being.
The underlying principle, common to many holistic disciplines and which is also based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that the living being has from birth, a certain amount of vital energy that governs every biochemical process: it is the amount of vital energy (which varies over time) of each person to determine the health or disease. The Naturopath
evaluate this "capacity" vital and helps to keep the subject in case of alterations or rebalance.
Hippocrates, greek doctor known as the father of medicine, argued that health is based on a moderate lifestyle, especially on a healthy diet, the happy thought and exercise, allowing the body to exercise the " natural healing power of nature ", ie the internal capacity to heal itself.


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