Saturday, October 31, 2009

Vomit Burp Stomach Flu

TuttoPube Katanese

The Paths of the grandmother in Japan between tomorrow and the other Tomorrow

"TuttoPube the Katanese"
* Episode 5 of 6

The train had arrived but the journey was still long, collected backpacks and a few steps down a new ticket was waiting for the six traveling companions. Here aired the usual scene: everyone to affirm their own vision supported the idea on what was the right direction as the correct bus, the quickest route or most economical, only the engineer, weary of constantly solving problems did not participate the race leaving fellow white paper on everything. He stood aside and looked around thinking to himself "Mado 'are the highest in the station. No one is more taller than me. This gives me that social advantage? "
Milvia had thrown up a Japanese asking her friend about how to go on the island of Mihajima she persisted in calling the Monkey's Island. Mrs. Midori after poking around incessantly between his memoirs looking for an unlikely island of the monkeys had a happy inspiration "No Monkeys! Bambies! Bambie's island!" the prompts were not further heard also because the group was not traveling on any stupid island; that specific place, Mihajima, however, had already been seen a few days before but had the mental capacities of Milvia definitely succumbed to fatigue, the syllables tended to merge with each other and any of its statement was in fact a jumble of meaningless sounds.
A second attempt to hijack the group to Shinjo, was stopped a few meters from Milvia the engineer who had clearly and finally, a response on the social benefits of its height "Shinjo No, no, nor Toposhinjo or anywhere else you say to go, "he said categorically. Tuttopube that once again he felt his hand immediately began to contradict Katana clasp.
Sicily shone The glittering steel in Japanese a day of sun.
That sword forged by Hephaestus directly, or at least so it was said, in the secret forges Etna, had spent generations Tuttipube free to finish in his hands, the last heir of a tradition of brutal revenge, justice ordeal and rivers of arterial blood.
The legend wanted the greek God, convinced by Prometheus to create the most lethal weapon that could handle as a result of its client dell'incatenamento a mountain, it was decided to give two travelers weapons produced by his anvil, the his hammer and his lame talent.
A first person, an incredibly tall man, he chose the Philippines sticks on the second, the grandfather of Tuttopube precisely, he was not the katana. Prometheus, however, had requested a 'weapon and only one, prophesied that the mountain one of the two would one day near or far, proved its superiority over the other.
clash in living memory never took place.
The man of sticks was hired by the Philippine Pygmies who were engaged in their long war, one day, returning from a battle, tired but especially unaccustomed to the size of dwellings in that remote country, violently slammed her head against the crossbar a door and died, as you asserted that man had a son and that her son was with him to his mind there was no way to trace the boy or sticks.
Hephaestus which would always known the answer on the other hand did not solve the issue; polytheism in the disappearance of the matrix greek-roman European cultural horizon did the rest drowned in the final question and answer muddy waters of oblivion. Muddy at least until then.
" you use as a mark of meat shouted to Altoneen never won points against the blade.
"I am the Tuttopube Katanese and now you too will experience the elegance of pain"
The dawn of a grin lit up her face anything but surprised the engineer. A

next Saturday for the fifth episode: Neither the sea nor the forest .

* The phrases in italics were really spoken by Japanese people on earth real. The six episodes that make up this little story they want to try to inserijavascript: void (0) re these measures otherwise scattered and unconnected in a coherent framework. The characters that appear, heavily caricatured, can not and will not therefore have no bearing on reality.


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